Combining eight microtonal voices, two filters modelled on the Soviet Polivoks instrument, a five-step sequencer, two white noise generators and two sample-and-hold circuits. Six of the voices are used to create drones while the other two are playable via a touch-sensitive capacitor keyboard. Solar 42 is an updated version of a previous synth called Solar 50, released in 2021 by Elta. That synth was made in small quantities and is no longer available. Like the Solar 50, the new synth has no MIDI control. It can be triggered using control voltage but only in very limited ways. It is primarily a machine built for live playing and experimentation. There is an inbuilt digital FX engine which operates using little cartridges. They can be bought separately and plugged in to access different FX algorithms.
- Two white noise generators.
- Two Samples and Holds
- Two volt octave VCO voices with different waveform variations, including
- Two LFOs as in SOLAR 50.
- 5 step analogue sequencer
- Preamp for contact mic.
- Envelope follower
- Stereo mixer with panoramic left and right channels
- Dual polyvox stereo filter
- Dual cartridge effector combiner with CV control. Now you can load a different
effect on each channel.
- Stereo audio output
- Dry audio outputs volt octave voices
- External audio input.
- Joystick
- Separate push-button keypad for six drone voices
- Touch sensitive keypad controller for volt octave voices.
- Power supply unit no longer needs to be reset.
- Reduced output noise compared to SOLAR 50.